Online Support

Harb, S. I., & Fergus, K. D. (2023). Examining engagement in a self‐in‐relationship observation exercise by couples coping with breast cancer: A qualitative analysis of text‐based feedback. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy49(4), 939–957.

Fergus, Tanen, A., Ahmad, S., Gardner, S., Warner, E., McLeod, D., Stephen, J., Carter, W., & Periera, A. (2022). Treatment satisfaction With couplelinks online intervention to promote dyadic coping in young couples affected by breast cancer. Frontiers in Psychology13, 862555–862555.

Fergus, Ahmad, S., Gardner, S., Ianakieva, I., McLeod, D., Stephen, J., Carter, W., Periera, A., Warner, E., & Panchaud, J. (2022). Couplelinks online intervention for young couples facing breast cancer: A randomised controlled trial. Psycho-Oncology31(3), 512–520.

Male, D., Fergus, K., & Yufe, S. (2022). Weighing losses and gains: Evaluation of the Healthy Lifestyle Modification after Breast Cancer (HLM-ABC) pilot program. Frontiers in Psychology – Psycho-Oncology.

Cullen, K., & Fergus, K. (2021). Acceptability of an online relational intimacy and sexual enhancement (iRISE) intervention after breast cancer. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 47(2), 515–532.

Vanstone, R., & Fergus, K. D. (2020). Online couple interventions in cancer. Current Opinion in Supportive and Palliative Care, 14(1), 67–73.

Ianakieva, I., Fergus, K., Ahmad, S., Pereira, A., Stephen, J., McLeod, D., Carter, W., & Panchaud, J. (2019). Varying levels and types of engagement in an online relationship enhancement program for couples following breast cancer. Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy, 18(1), 1–22.

Fergus, K., Ahmad, S., Ianakieva, I., McLeod, D., & Carter, W. (2017). Metaphor and meaning in an online creative expression exercise to promote dyadic coping in young couples affected by breast cancer. Arts & Health, 9(2), 139–153.

Male, D. A., Fergus, K. D., & Stephen, J. E. (2017). Professional online support group facilitators: Guarantors of maximal group utility. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67(3), 314–336.

Ianakieva, I., Fergus, K., Ahmad, S., Pos, A., & Pereira, A. (2016). A Model of Engagement Promotion in a Professionally Facilitated Online Intervention for Couples Affected by Breast Cancer. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 42(4), 701–715.

Carter, W., Fergus, K., Ahmad, S., McLeod, D., & Stephen, J. (2015). Defining the Role of the Online Therapeutic Facilitator: Principles and Guidelines Developed for Couplelinks, an Online Support Program for Couples Affected by Breast Cancer. JMIR Cancer, 1(1), e4. doi:10.2196/cancer.3887

Fergus, K., Ahmad, S., McLeod, D. L., Stephen, J., Gardner, S., Pereira, A., Warner, E., & Carter, W. (2015). Couplelinks - an online intervention for young women with breast cancer and their male partners: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16, 33.

Male, D. A., Fergus, K. D., & Stephen, J. E. (2015). The Continuous Confrontation of Caregiving as Described in Real-Time Online Group Chat. Journal of Palliative Care, 31(1), 36–43.

Fergus, K. D., McLeod, D., Carter, W., Warner, E., Gardner, S. L., Granek, L., & Cullen, K. I. (2014). Development and pilot testing of an online intervention to support young couples’ coping and adjustment to breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care, 23(4), 481–492.

Stephen, J., Fergus, K., Sellick, S., Speca, M., Taylor-Brown, J., Turner, J., Collie, K., McLeod, D., & Rojubally, A. (2013). When jurisdictional boundaries become barriers to good patient care. Current Oncology , 20(1), 10–13.

Stephen, J., Rojubally, A., Macgregor, K., McLeod, D., Speca, M., Taylor-Brown, J., Fergus, K., Collie, K., Turner, J., Sellick, S., & Mackenzie, G. (2013). Evaluation of CancerChatCanada: a program of online support for Canadians affected by cancer. Current Oncology , 20(1), 39–47.